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YRCTI Delegation Visited South Korea for Exchanges

作者: 发布时间:2019/07/25 10:57:08   来源:


Led by Gu Xianhui, Member of the Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department of YRCTI, the six-member delegation of our university went to South Korea for a five-day visit and exchange from July 16 to 20, 2019. Delegation members included personnel from the School of Art and Design, the School of Business and Management, the School of Tourism and the Liaison and Cooperation Department.

The delegation visited and exchanged views with Keimyung University, Mokwon University and Kyung Hee University in South Korea, and was warmly welcomed by the universities. The South Korean receptionists showed them the university libraries, teaching buildings, study rooms, training rooms, student dormitory and canteens for international students, and introduced their school running history, school size, and school running characteristics and international cooperation mode. Our delegation and the Korean universities had in-depth and detailed discussions on international education cooperation projects, such as “3+2” educational program (overseas university education for junior college students), feasible majors, exchange students between China and Korea, short-term study tours, and teachers' further studies, and signed the Cooperation and Exchange Agreement with Mokwon University of Korea. The two universities agreed that they will carry out cooperation on the exchange of teachers and researchers, student exchange, students' overseas study tour, joint development of research projects and academic activities under the principle of equality and mutual benefit. The delegation reached an agreement with Keimyung University on the “3+2” program and “one-year visiting student program”, and with Kyung Hee University on “junior college students + 1-year language learning + 2-year undergraduate study” program proposal.

Through the visit, exchange and learning tour to the three universities, the delegation had a better understanding of their educational concept, school running characteristics, specialty setting, student management mode, campus environment, teaching equipment and accommodation conditions. On one hand, it enhanced the friendship between YRCTI and Korean universities as well as the confidence of both parties in cooperation. More importantly, preliminary opinions on specific cooperation matters such as cooperation form, training mode and course configuration were reached, which laid a solid foundation for the follow-up implementation of cooperation. The visit achieved remarkable results and played a positive role in promoting the internationalization of YRCTI and the international two-way flow of teachers and students.



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