Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, founded in 1929, is located in Kaifeng, Henan Province, an ancient capital of eight dynasties in Chinese history. It is one of the first national demonstrative higher vocational colleges and a Class-A (top ten) high-level higher vocational institution (developing) with Chinese characteristics. There are more than 1,000 faculty members. As for the full-time teachers, 32.98% are professors and associate professors, 78.41% hold a doctor's or master's degree, and 82.68% are "double-position"(Dual-Qualifaication) teachers. The Institute has 17 teaching units, and more than 60 majors including water conservancy, surveying, robotics, big data, and cross-border e-commerce. The Insititue has over 14,000 students. Since the establishment of 90 years, the Institute has trained almost 200,000 graduates who are working in various industries all over the country, winning the honorary title of "cradle of technical backbones ".

The Institutehasenchanting scenery and complete facilities, and it occupiesan area of more than 1,800muand a building area of 570,000 squaremeters.The Institute and enterprises cooperatively builds205on-campus training rooms and 483off-campus practice bases. The school libraryhasmore t1.4million books and900,000 e-books.

Since2012, the Institutehaslaunched the program of training employees for thehydropowerprojectsin Equatorial Guinea ofPowerChinaSinohydro Bureau6Co,.Ltd.With8 years' development,the Institutehas established a school-enterprise "double leaders" training mode for technical international talents. More than800 foreign students from45countries including Russia, Indonesia, Thailand, South Africa and Chile have been trained in China. The program has beendeliveringa steady stream of foreign technical personnel for Chinese enterprises' overseas business such asPower Construction Corporation of China and NORINCO International.

The Institute, based on the characteristics of vocational education, formulates professional talent training programs that meet the local conditions and job needs of international students.The Instituteorganizesinternational students to participate in various skill competitions to sharpen their skills, and set up a Cultural Experience Center for international students to learn and feel traditional Chinese culture on campus through holographic images, multimedia interaction and scenario experience. Beyond classroom-based studies,the Institutetakesinternational students to visit the Millennium City Park, Kaifeng Museum, etc., and hold Chineselanaguage contests, culturalfestivals and other activities to enrich their extracurricular life.



   Address:No.1 Dongjing Road, Kaifeng, China


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