Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute (YRCTI) is located in Kaifeng, a famous historical and cultural city and an excellent tourism city in China. YRCTI is one of the first national demonstrative higher vocational colleges, a national high-quality higher vocational college and a Class-A (top ten) high-level higher vocational institution (developing) with Chinese characteristics. Founded in March 1929, YRCTI used to be National Yellow River Basin Water Conservancy Engineering Technical College, Yellow River Water Conservancy Technical College, Yellow River Water Conservancy College, and Yellow River Water Conservancy School. In March 1998, it was renamed Yellow River Water Conservancy Technical Institute with the approval of the Ministry of Education. In March 2000, YRCTI was approved by the Ministry of Water Resources to be jointly constructed with Henan Province.

With profound school-running legacy, YRCTI enjoys a wide social reputation.  After 90 years' development, YRCTI has formed the educational philosophy: "cradle of technical personnel and source of innovative services". On the basis of engineering sciences, it develops featured water conservancy majors, and is committed to cultivating high-quality technical and skilled personnel with all-round development to boost the production, construction, management and service in the industry. Up to now, it has trained nearly 200,000 graduates who are contributing to the water conservancy cause across the country. YRCTI is honored as the "Huangpu Military Academy" by the Yellow River. Yang Zhenhuai, former Minister of Water Resources, praised YRCTI as "cradle of technical backbones by the Yellow River". Zhang Dejiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, spoke highly of YRCTI for its educational facilities and featured majors. Guo Gengmao, former Secretary of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, said during his field investigation on vocational education in YRCTI, "I hope you will continue to be a pacesetter and gain experience to drive the vocational education at different levels in Henan Province." Li Guoying, former Vice Minister of Water Resources, said when visiting YRCTI, "Without the Yellow River Water Conservancy Institute, the Yellow River would not remain stable for more than 50 years." With years of unremitting efforts of teachers and students, YRCTI has grown into an outstanding higher vocational college in China boasting excellent teaching staff, distinctive and competitive programs, impressive education quality, superior technical services, and continuously expanding international exchange and cooperation.

We have advanced facilities and excellent teaching staff. YRCTI covers an area of more than 1,400 mu, with a building area of 537,000 square meters, and has fixed assets of 1.47 billion yuan, and teaching instruments and equipment worth 360 million yuan. We have teaching staff with "dual qualifications", professional ethics, and high qualities. The faculty structure is reasonable with full-time teachers and part-time teachers. Currently, there are more than 1,000 faculty members, and of the full-time teachers, 30% are professors and associate professors, 70% hold a doctor's or master's degree, and 80% are "dual-qualification" teachers. There are 3 national teaching teams, 21 master studios, and over 50 teachers who are winners of the special allowance of the State Council, national famous teachers, famous teachers of Henan Province, experts at vocational education of Henan Province, academic and technical leaders of Henan Province, and famous teachers of water conservancy vocational education in China. YRCTI has set up 200+ on-campus training rooms and 400+ off-campus practice bases through school-enterprise cooperation, and has 1.15 million books and 600,000 e-books in collections. At present, there are more than 21,000 full-time college students, including international students, and 969 students receiving adult education.

Guided by advanced educational idea, YRCTI has achieved remarkable education effects. Committed to cultivating high-quality technical and skilled personnel, YRCTI persists in running "higher vocational education based on the social needs and orienting future development and people's satisfaction", and adheres to the educational concept of "employment oriented, teaching and program development centered, educating people through teaching, management, service, and production". YRCTI actively explores the new mode of personnel training, and makes every effort to help students achieve coordinated development of knowledge, ability, quality and personality. YRCTI has set 17 academic units: School of Water Conservancy Engineering, School of Civil and Traffic Engineering, School of Surveying and Mapping Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of International Education (Foreign Language Education Department), School of Electrical Engineering, School of Finance and Accounting, School of Business and Management, School of Environmental Engineering, School of Information Engineering, School of Tourism, School of Art and Design (Art Education Center), School of Marxism, School of Continuing Education, Department of Basic Science, Department of Physical Education, and School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and over 60 majors, such as water conservancy, surveying, robotics, big data, and cross-border e-commerce. There is 1 national excellent course, 2 national pilot programs for teaching reform, 10 national key programs (developing), 12 provincial demonstrative and comprehensive reform pilot programs, and 2 national-level professional teaching resource libraries, 13 national shared courses of excellent resources, 4 national excellent online open courses and 16 provincial excellent online open courses. YRCTI is one of the national pilot colleges for teaching diagnosis and improvement, with 5 modern apprenticeship pilot programs at national level and 8 at provincial level, and has won 5 national second prizes for teaching achievements. In the past three years, our students have won more than 780 provincial and ministerial awards in various vocational skill competitions, including 3 world-class group awards, 136 national group awards and 256 provincial and ministerial group awards. Typically, the students have won the first prize in the National "Engineering Survey" Competition for 7 consecutive sessions, and national champions in ten sessions of the Innovation Competition of Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling. The employment rate of graduates remains at above 98%, and the employment competitiveness of our graduates ranks first among higher vocational colleges in Henan Province.

With in-depth integration of production and education, YRCTI has made fruitful outcomes in technological services. YRCTI focuses on applied research and technical services, and continues to promote the integration of industry and education to provide better social services. We have signed strategic cooperation agreements with the Vocational Skill Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, the People's Government of Kaifeng City, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Sinohydro Bureau 11, STECOL Corporation, HIT Robot Group and other universities, governments, enterprises to draw on each other's advantages and seek win-win cooperation and common development. We have 4 scientific research platforms at or above the provincial and ministerial level, including 1 national maker space, 2 provincial engineering technology research centers and 1 provincial business incubator, as well as 8 municipal key laboratories and engineering technology research centers, and 2 municipal innovative technology teams. In the past three years, we have successful applied for 3 NSFC projects and 46 provincial (ministerial) projects, and obtained 169 authorized patents. Our teachers have published more than 1,000 high-level professional papers. YRCTI has completed more than 300 market-oriented technical service projects, such as hydraulic model test, new material R&D, software development, mechanical processing, and engineering survey. The annual income from providing scientific research and technical service exceeds 50 million yuan.

YRCTI continues to expand international exchanges and cooperation, and the level of internationalization of education has gradually improved. In serving the "Belt and Road" Initiative and supporting Chinese enterprises to "go global", YRCTI has set up a Dayu School in Zambia to train urgently needed local skilled personnel, blazing a trail of overseas education. Zambia Dayu School is the first overseas school of Henan-based higher vocational colleges. The second Dayu School has been established in South Africa, marking the new progress made in shaping the "1 + N" school network covering China and foreign countries. YRCTI has established friendly partnership with 55 colleges and universities and educational institutions in 28 countries, and has launched 7 joint educational programs with South Ural State University in Russia and Northwestern Michigan College in the United States. We have recruited students from 31 countries and regions. YRCTI is now a director unit of the China-Central and Eastern Europe Vocational Education International Union (China) and the executive director unit of the Chinese Council of the China-South Africa Technical and Vocational Education Cooperation Alliance.

YRCTI keeps improving innovation and entrepreneurship education, and has made outstanding achievements in "entrepreneurship and innovation". YRCTI has integrated the innovation and entrepreneurship education into the professional talent training program, and established the "1 + 1 + X" education mode and launched 12 innovation and entrepreneurship-themed online courses. A total of 23 million yuan has been invested in cultivating undertakers of innovation and entrepreneurship and building innovation training centers; an innovation and entrepreneurship fund of 3.6 million yuan has been set up; 67 maker studios and 35 innovation and entrepreneurship associations have been established. While improving the professional development ability, YRCTI carries forward the innovation and entrepreneurship spirit. YRCTI has been awarded the title of "National Demonstrative College for Deepening Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform" and "National Maker Space".

Remarkable outcomes in education have been made, and social reputation has been achieved. On the basis of serving the cause of water conservancy in Henan Province, YRCTI is pursuing a global stage to display its strength. Committed to training needed talented people, YRCTI unswervingly devotes itself to vocational education, continues the reform, pursues self-improvement, and has achieved leapfrog development in various aspects. YRCTI has made the lists of Top 50 higher vocational colleges for educational achievements, service contribution, international influence, teaching resources and student management, and been awarded as a national civilized unit, a national advanced unit for vocational education, an advanced collective in the national education system, a national college with typical experience in graduate employment, a national demonstrative college for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform, a national college with outstanding contribution to training skilled personnel, the National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee, a national excellent unit for student financing work, an advanced unit for vocational education in Henan Province, an advanced collective for graduate employment among colleges and universities in Henan Province, an advanced unit for Party building among colleges and universities in Henan Province, an advanced unit for fostering school ethos in Henan Province, an excellent unit for moral education among colleges and universities in Henan Province, etc.

Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron; with firm strides we are crossing its summit. Adhering to the motto of "honesty, innovation, entrepreneurship, and excellence", the YRCTI people are forging ahead on the way to a domestic first-class high-quality higher vocational college with international reputation!



   Address:No.1 Dongjing Road, Kaifeng, China


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