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Xu Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee, delivers a speech at the Second National Dialogue on Vocational Education and Industry of Water Conservancy

作者: 发布时间:2019/09/28 10:49:46   来源:


Second National Dialogue on Vocational Education and Industry of Water Conservancy was held on September 27 in Guangzhou. Lu Xin, President of the Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education and Former Deputy Minister of Education attended the Dialogue and gave a keynote report. Wang Xinyue, Director of the National Steering Committee for Water Conservancy Vocational Education and Deputy Director-general of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Water Resources, Huang He, President of the China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education and Chairman of Huanghe Wanjiazhai Water Co., Ltd., Wang Fuming, a civil engineering expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Sun Jichang, President of the China Water Engineering Association and more than 200 representatives from over 100 organizations, including the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Education, the local government and relevant departments, industries and enterprises, vocational colleges, news media and publishing institutions were present at the event. The opening ceremony was presided over by Huang He, President of China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education and Chairman of Huanghe Wanjiazhai Water Co., Ltd.

The event was themed on “modern water conservancy and talent training - wisdom, integration and innovation”. It aims to discuss the overall plan for the training of skilled water conservancy talents and innovation development in the new era, deeply analyze the new situation and new tasks faced by the current water conservancy vocational education, so as to further deepen the integration of production and education for water conservancy vocational education, and promote the precise docking between the University and enterprises and accurate education.

Xu Yan, Secretary of the University Party Committee, was invited to make a speech entitled “Innovating the collaborative education mechanism of universities and enterprises and comprehensively improving the quality of talent training” at the Conference. He combined with the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping given at the Symposium on Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development of the Yellow River Basin during his visit to Henan Province, and introduced YRCTI's practice and experience in regard to “strengthening top-level design to promote institutional innovation, building government-industry-school-enterprise linkage to build collaborative educational platform, deepening the integration of production and education to improve the quality of talent training”. The speech regarding the experience and practice of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute was spoken highly of by representatives on the spot.


Huang He, President of China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education and Chairman of Huanghe Wanjiazhai Water Co., Ltd. hosted the event

Wang Xinyue, Director of the National Steering Committee for Water Conservancy Vocational Education and Deputy Director-general of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Water Resources gave a speech

Xu Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of YRCTI, made a speech




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