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Forum on Serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative and Cultivating International Water Conservancy Talents was Held in YRCTI

作者: 发布时间:2019/12/22 10:20:32   来源:


On December 21st, Forum on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative and Cultivating International Water Conservancy Talents was held in YRCTI. Those present at the conference included: Jiang Xuguang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources; Huo Jinhua, Vice Governor of the Henan Provincial People’s Government; Yue Zhongming, Director of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources; Geoffrey Banda, Minister Counselor of the Zambia Embassy in China; Hou Jingmin, Director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Water Resources; Li Ge, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Technology Department of the Ministry of Water Resources; Xie Li, Deputy Director-general of the Vocational and Adult Education Department of the Ministry of Education; Shi Qiuchi, Director of the International Economic and Technical Cooperation Exchange Center of the Ministry of Water Resources; Song Chaozhi, Chairman of the Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography; Yin Hongbin, Deputy Secretary-General of the Henan Provincial People’s Government; Diao Yuhua, Deputy Director of the Henan Provincial Department of Education; Gao Jianjun, Mayor of the Kaifeng Municipal People’s Government; Xu Yan, Party Secretary of YRCTI; Huang He, President of the China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education; Yi Shubai, Director of the Vocational Skill Appraisal and Guidance Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources; Yang Xiaochun, Deputy Director of the China-Foreign Humanistic Exchange Center of the Ministry of Education; Liu Deyou, Director of the International Small Hydropower Center of the Ministry of Water Resources; Wang Yu, Chairman of the Labor Union of Power Construction Corporation of China; Wamulungwe Nambula, Education Commissioner of the Zambia Embassy in China; Cui Yao, Secretary of the Embassy of South Africa in China; AB. Susanto, Vice President of KOPERTIP Group in Indonesia; Ulrikh Dmitrii, Dean of the School of Architecture, South Ural State University, Russia; Kim Jung Ho, Director of International Office, Inha University, South Korea; Munakampe Grain, Dean of Engineering College, University of Zambia; Mohamad Amin, Professor of Malang State University, Indonesia; Xia Shuifang, General Manager of Sinohydro Bureau 11 Co., Ltd.; Liu Xianliang, Deputy Director of the Construction and Administration Bureau of South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project, and Zhu Yuhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of YRCTI. More than 600 people including leaders of foreign cooperative colleges and universities, peer colleges and universities in and outside the province, and relevant organizations, guests, experts, scholars, alumni, and representatives of teachers and students attended the conference. The opening ceremony was hosted by Huang He.

Opening Ceremony

Speech by Jiang Xuguang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources

Speech by Huo Jinhua, Vice Governor of the Henan Provincial People’s Government

Speech by Yue Zhongming, Director of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources

Speech by Geoffrey Banda, Minister Counselor of Zambia Embassy in China

Speech by Xie Li, Deputy Director of the Vocational and Adult Education Department of the Ministry of Education

Huang He, President of the China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education, Hosted the Opening Ceremony

Speech by Xu Yan, Party Secretary of YRCTI

Keynote reports by experts

Keynote speeches by experts

Round-table Forum

Opening Ceremony of the Yellow River Culture Cadre Education School and Industrial College

He congratulated YRCTI on being selected as a high-level vocational college with Chinese characteristics. He said: “Belt and Road” Initiative, supported by more than 100 countries and international organizations, is becoming a China plan to participate in global open cooperation, improve the global economic governance system, promote global common development and prosperity, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Water conservancy is a key infrastructure area of “Belt and Road” Initiative cooperation, and it is an important support for serving the people’s livelihood and promoting the construction of the community with a shared future for mankind. Talents are the important foundation and guarantee for “Belt and Road” Initiative construction. With the deepening of “Belt and Road” Initiative construction, the water conservancy projects with the countries along the route are increasing and the demand for international compound talents is growing. The Ministry of Water Resources has launched the “water conservancy talents development and innovation activities in the new era”. The international talent cultivation plan of water conservancy should be implemented through the joint cultivation of international talents and the establishment of a talent cultivation base for the Ministry of Water Resources to serve the “Belt and Road” Initiative. He suggested that the talent cultivation plan with the concept of globalization should be discussed, a cooperation platform with a pragmatic attitude should be built, and the results of cooperation by a win-win mechanism should be shared. He emphasized that the Ministry of Water Resources would actively promote the active industry participation in the “Belt and Road” Initiative construction and would deepen bilateral and multilateral practical cooperation in water conservancy. Chinese wisdom, Chinese experience, and Chinese solutions for global water governance would be provided to create a good situation of international water conservancy talents and brilliant stars.

Huo Jinhua delivered a speech. She introduced the conditions of Henan Province and affirmed the achievements of YRCTI over the past 90 years. She pointed out: Henan Province has seized the new round of opening-up opportunities and actively integrated into the “Belt and Road” Initiative. It has promoted the inland provinces to move towards the forefront of opening up and has created “four silk roads” of air, land, sea, and online. The China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone has become a modern comprehensive transportation hub serving the construction of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, and Henan is moving towards the goal of opening up highlands inland. In recent years, Henan Province has conscientiously implemented the national policy of opening education to the outside world in the new era, conforming to the trend of the internationalization of higher education. It has also comprehensively promoted practical education cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road” Initiative, producing good economic and social benefits. She said: Henan Province, relying on its unique advantages, “goes global” and cooperates with countries along the “Belt and Road” to launch overseas schools and cultivate technical and skilled talents. YRCTI has successively cultivated nearly 500 international students for countries along the “Belt and Road” and established two Dayu Schools in Zambia and South Africa. It was successfully selected as a Grade A construction organization of a high-level higher vocational college with Chinese characteristics (top ten in China). It has created a new brand of vocational education and has made positive contributions to the construction of the water conservancy industry and enterprise development. She hoped that the guests and representatives would provide valuable opinions and suggestions on the cultivation of international water conservancy talents in Henan Province, and wished the forum a complete success.

Yue Zhongming delivered a speech. He pointed out: YRCTI is the first school in the Yellow River Basin to cultivate modern water conservancy and Yellow River control talents. Over the past 90 years since its establishment, YRCTI has always taken the action of cultivating professionals in the control and protection of the Yellow River as its own responsibility, and has made outstanding contributions to the stability of the Yellow River for more than 70 years and to promote the development of national water conservancy. There is a long-standing relationship between the Yellow River Conservancy Commission and YRCTI, and there is a close relationship between the YRCTI development context and people’s Yellow River control. Over the years, YRCTI has cultivated a large number of professional technical and skilled talents for the Yellow River Committee who are “hard-working, pragmatic, skilled, available and retained”. YRCTI is an important base for the cultivation of skilled talents for the Yellow River Committee. The Yellow River Committee has always attached importance to and supported the school-running of YRCTI. The two parties jointly signed the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement, further deepening the strategic cooperation relationship under the new situation. He said that the Yellow River Committee would continue to support the development of YRCTI and would increase cooperation in applied technology research and talent cultivation to provide wisdom, experience, and solutions for creating a water conservancy vocational education with Chinese characteristics that integrates industry and education and to jointly promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

Geoffrey Banda delivered a speech. He said: Over the past 55 years, Zambia and China have formed a friendly and cooperative partnership, and the Tanzam Railway is a symbol of the friendship between the two countries. Henan Province has established friendly relations with the central provinces of Zambia. Zambia appreciates China’s continued leadership in promoting inclusive development and building a community with a shared future for mankind through global cooperation in all fields. As a platform, the “Belt and Road” Initiative generates global synergy through cooperation. Regarding water conservancy as one of the key areas of cooperation under the “Belt and Road” Initiative is of great strategic significance for promoting sustainable development. He pointed out: The theme of the forum- serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative and cultivating international water conservancy talents is of great significance to the water conservancy construction in Zambia. Zambia welcomes strengthening cooperation with China to develop vocational training cooperation in all fields including water conservancy, power generation, and agriculture.

Xie Li delivered a speech. He pointed out: 2019 is an extraordinary year for the vocational education front. The issuance of the “20 Articles for Vocational Education”, the expansion of higher vocational education by 1 million, and the national video conference on deepening the reform of vocational education have made arrangements for the reform and development of vocational education. The Party Group of the Ministry of Education clearly puts forward the need to take the vocational education system with Chinese characteristics as the core, take standardization as the lead, and take quality improvement, talent cultivation, and value-added empowerment as the mainline to play chess of vocational education and fight a vocational education battle. He said: As vocational education enters the “double high era”, YRCTI has become a member of the “pioneer” of higher vocational education, which is not only an affirmation of achievements but also a new challenge. YRCTI bravely undertakes the mission of protecting and governing the Yellow River, making outstanding contributions to the stability of the Yellow River. YRCTI deepens Sino-foreign vocational education cooperation and the integration of industry and education, contributing Chinese solutions and wisdom to the cultivation of international high-quality technical talents. He emphasized: The development of vocational education is inseparable from local and industry support. He hoped that the Ministry of Water Resources, the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and the China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education would continue to increase their care and support for vocational education and work together to promote the reform and development of vocational education, contributing more to economic and social development.

Xu Yan delivered a speech. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to the correct leadership of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, and other organizations for their guidance and help to YRCTI and extended his sincere gratitude and high respect to industrial enterprises, alumni at home and abroad, and friends from all walks of life who have long cared for and supported the construction and development of YRCTI. He introduced the long history, distinctive characteristics, and brilliant achievements of YRCTI over the past 90 years. He pointed out: In recent years, YRCTI has served the national “Belt and Road” Initiative and supported the “going global” development strategy of Chinese-funded enterprises. It has carried out international talent cultivation and technical cooperation, and actively promoted exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign colleges and enterprises, making positive contributions to the promotion of technical and skilled talent cultivation and cultural exchanges. Besides, the internationalization level of YRCTI has gradually improved. YRCTI Dayu Schools were established in Zambia and South Africa to cultivate local technical and skilled talents that are urgently needed in the region, creating a new international brand in the water conservancy industry. YRCTI has been awarded one of the “Top 50 National Higher Vocational Colleges for International Influence" in successive years. He said that YRCTI would continue to give full play to its professional, talent, and technical advantages to expand the width and depth of serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative. It would closely follow the “going out” pace of enterprises in the water conservancy and hydropower industry and cultivate high-quality international technical and skilled talents to further enhance the level of international education.

After the opening ceremony, Hou Jingmin gave an introduction on the topic of Strengthening the Cultivation of International Water Conservancy Talents and Boosting the Innovative Development of Water Conservancy Industry and introduced the innovation and development of water conservancy industry of China in three aspects, namely, the background of international water conservancy talent cultivation, water conservancy internationalization talent cultivation ideas, and international water conservancy talent cultivation implementation. Shi Qiuchi, Yang Xiaochun, and Liu Deyou respectively made keynote reports titled Prospects for the Ministry of Water Resources of Serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative Talent Cultivation Base, Adhering to the Concept of Humanistic Exchange to Promote the “Belt and Road” Initiative International Water Conservancy Talent Cultivation, and International Water Conservancy Talent Cultivation Experience and Learning.

In the keynote speech, Zhu Yuhua, President of YRCTI, Wang Yu, Chairman of the Labor Union of PowerChina Group, Zhang Jinliang, Chairman of the Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., AB. Susanto, Vice President of Indonesia KOPERTIP Group, Liu Wenkai, Principal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, and Wang Fuming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, respectively gave speeches titled Multiple and Collaborative Education Serving “Belt and Road” Initiative, Serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative to Enhance the Internationalization Level of Talents, The Yellow River Design on the “Belt and Road” Initiative, “Belt and Road” Initiative International Skilled Talent Cultivation Cooperation Practice in the Industry 4.0 Era, Inheriting the Original Intention of Chinese Water Conservancy and Bravely Shouldering the Mission of the Times to Serve the “Belt and Road” Initiative Water Conservancy and Hydropower Construction, and Construction Progress of Practice Education and Sharing Platform of “Field Network Integration, Soil and Water Integration, and Teaching and Research Integration.

In the roundtable forum, Munakampe Grain, Dean of Engineering College, University of Zambia, Mohamad Amin, Professor of Malang State University, Indonesia, Shi Qiuchi, Director of the International Economic and Technical Cooperation Exchange Center of the Ministry of Water Resources, Xie Xiangrong, Vice President of the Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research, Xia Shuifang, General Manager of Sinohydro Bureau 11 Co., Ltd., Hua Ertian, Principal of Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power, and Yu Jiyu, Principal of Shandong Water Polytechnic respectively combined the new situation and new requirements of the cultivation of international water conservancy talents in the new era and looked forward to the prospects of international water conservancy talent cultivation.

At the conference, Xu Yan, Party Secretary of YRCTI, and Zhu Yuhua, President of YRCTI, unveiled the nameplate of Yellow River Culture Cadre Education School. They met with He Shuming, Chairman of Sanmenxia Yellow River Pearl (Group) Co., Ltd., Gao Kai, President of Wuhan Visiontek Technology Inc., Guo Baoyu, Deputy General Manager of South Surveying & Mapping Technology Co., Ltd., Hu Wei, Vice President of Guangzhou Hi-Target Satellite Navigation Technology Inc., Zhao Liping, Vice President of Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Inc., Liu Hongkai, Assistant President of Beijing SuperMap Software Inc., and Yu Yunfeng, General Manager of Nanjing No. 55 Technology Development Co., Ltd., and held the unveiling ceremony of the Yellow River Pearl Industry College, the Space-Time Big Data Industry College, and the Yunzhi Industry College.

Shi Qiuchi summarized the conference. She pointed out: The forum is highly valued by the leaders and many parties actively participate in it. The content is rich and pragmatic. The horizon is broadened and the expected purpose is achieved. The entry points, acting points, and endpoints for further promoting the cultivation of international water conservancy talents have been identified. It is a conference unifying understanding, condensing ideas, clarifying direction, exchanging experiences, and encouraging people to move forward. It will have a positive and profound impact on further promoting the spirit of water conservancy in the new era, actively serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative, and analyzing and grasping the new situation and new requirements of international water conservancy talent cultivation in the new era.

Forum on Serving the “Belt and Road” Initiative and Cultivating International Water Conservancy Talents is hosted by the China Association of Hydraulic Engineering Education and International Economic and Technical Cooperation Exchange Center of the Ministry of Water Resources and undertaken by YRCTI. The purpose of the conference is to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The spirit of the National Education Conference, the National Water Conservancy Work Conference, and the deployment of the Innovative Action Plan of Water Conservancy Talent Development in the New Era by the Party Group of the Ministry of Water Resources should be implemented. The spirit of water conservancy in the new era should be promoted. Under the general keynote of water conservancy reform and development of “repairing shortcomings of water conservancy projects and strengthening supervision of water conservancy industry”, the new situation and new requirements of international water conservancy talent cultivation in the new era should be analyzed and grasped. Chinese water conservancy talent cultivation should be promoted to develop bilateral and multilateral water conservancy practical cooperation, thus promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road” Initiative. (Photographed by Yuan Hongbo, Xu Shuai, Dong Haijiang, and Wen Jing)



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