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“Dayu” has Gone Abroad and "Taught" African Friends Skills

作者: 发布时间:2020/06/06 16:58:06   来源:


At the provincial education-related foreign affairs conference just concluded this year, YRCTI, as the only representative of the vocational colleges in Henan, made a speech. In the speech, President Zhu Yuhua mentioned that in recent years, YRCTI has fully implemented the relevant guiding opinions of the Central Government, the provincial Party committee, and the provincial government on opening-up education in the new area. The “Belt and Road” initiative has been followed up and a vocational education model that is compatible with the development of Chinese enterprises has been created. YRCTI has been rated as the top 50 higher vocational colleges for international influence for two consecutive years and has become a Grade A construction organization of high-level vocational school with Chinese characteristics (top ten in China). YRCTI has made beneficial explorations in running schools abroad, studying in China, Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, international science and technology services, and international exchanges in teachers and students.


Actively Responding to the Requirements of the Party and the State and Determining the Direction of International Education

In recent years, with the strong support of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, and under the specific guidance of the provincial education department, YRCTI has actively implemented the requirements of the Party and the state in combination with its own advantages and school-running conditions. YRCTI has actively served the major strategic needs of the country and re-demarcated the internationalization direction of running schools. YRCTI has actively explored the innovation of school-running mode and insisted on paying equal attention to “bring-in” and “go-out”. YRCTI has attracted students from “Belt and Road” and other countries to study in their institution and made the overseas branches of higher vocational schools more practical. YRCTI has strengthened the service of international vocational education and created the brand of special water conservancy vocational education. They have carried out active international school-running practice and exploration.

Hou Jingmin, Director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Water Resources, inspects Dayu School

Actively Participating in the Construction of “Belt and Road” to Create the Brand of “Dayu School”

As the Belt and Road initiative has been responded to positively by all countries in the world, Southeast African countries have begun to vigorously build infrastructure such as water conservancy, transportation, and power grids, providing a favorable opportunity for Chinese enterprises to “go global”. However, due to the overall backward education level, the local technical service capacity cannot keep up with the pace of development, and the accumulation of human capital is seriously insufficient. To serve Chinese enterprises to implement the localization strategy, in July 2017, YRCTI signed a school-enterprise cooperation framework agreement with PowerChina Sinohydro Bureau 11 Co., Ltd. to jointly build “Zambia Dayu School of YRCTI”. Up to now, YRCTI has selected 14 bilingual backbone teachers to teach in Dayu School, offering specialties such as concrete test, electrician, mechanical repair, welding, and measurement for 347 Zambian students. Among them, 289 students who have finished their studies are all employed by the Sinohydro Bureau 11 and become regular staff of the project. Student Jessica has become the third woman to obtain an international welder qualification certificate in Zambia in the past 15 years, which was reported by CCTV and Times of Zambia and inspired a large number of young women in Zambia. President Edgar C. Lungu of Zambia also visited Zambia Dayu School in July 2017.

Zambian President Lungu Unveils the Nameplate of the School

On December 10, 2019, the “Dayu School of South Africa” jointly held by YRCTI and the Northlink College of South Africa, a top vocational college in South Africa, was officially inaugurated. At present, Dayu School of South Africa has enrolled 90 mechatronics students and they have completed the one-year professional study. The establishment of the second Dayu School marks a breakthrough in the YRCTI “1+N” Chinese and foreign distributed school-running mode.

Unveiling and Establishment of the South Africa Dayu School

Promoting the abroad spread of the vocational education of the water conservancy and assisting YRCTI with the award of “high-level higher vocational college with high level specialty


Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute Actively followed the national development strategies and with the conservancy major specialty, carried out the international innovation with the cooperation of the institute and enterprises. In order to actively participate in the “Belt and Road” development, closely cooperate with the strategy “internationalization” of China-invested enterprises and actively explore the localization strategy, the “abroad school running organization” carried out the international school running practice in Dayu School, thus cultivating the technical talents with operative technology for neighboring countries, winning the approval for Chinese vocational education of the international society, obtaining the high praise from relevant industries and effectively improving the school running ability and influence of the YRCTI. The issued 2018-2019 annual report of education quality of the higher vocational education in China showed that our institute had been listed as top 50 higher vocational colleges with international influence for 2 consecutive years. In particular, the establishment of Dayu School made the School be successfully selected as the high-level higher vocational school (Level-A) development organization with preponderant competitiveness as the only school in Henan Province, Central China and the conservancy industry. At the same time, two majors - water conservancy and hydropower construction engineering and geographic information surveying and mapping technologies - had been listed in the high-level major development plan with Chinese characteristics and rank top 10 in China.

YRCTI and enterprises discussed the personnel cultivating program

Highlighting the water conservancy advantage and establishing the international cooperation platform


In recent years, completely exerting the discipline characteristics advantage, YRCTI continuously undertook several hydraulic model test projects in Sudan, Bangladesh, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe and other countries. In addition to hydroelectric projects, YRCTI also undertook the Ethiopia Wind Power Plant Surveying and Mapping Project to measure Africa with technologies and show the masterly professional skills and good professional qualities of the teachers and students. Besides, we actively participated in the activities of ASEAN-China Centre, the BRICS Vocational Education League, China-South Africa Vocational Education Association and other platforms and established the cooperation relationship with 28 countries and 55 colleges and universities. Besides, we selected over 200 teachers and over 300 students for abroad communication, invited over 150 foreign specialists to the school for lecture and over 140 foreign students for communication. We organized students to participate in the “BRICS skill competition and other international skill competitions and they won more than 30 awards. On December 21, 2019, the Belt and Road service and international water conservancy talents cultivation forum was held in Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute with over 600 Presidents of Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Natural Resources, Zambia and South Africa Embassies in China, Indonesia KOPERTIP Group, People's Government of Henan Province and other relevant departments and representatives in Russia, Korea, Zambia, Indonesia and other countries relevant colleges and institutes that discussed the bilateral and multilateral pragmatic cooperation of water conservancy, thus promoting the development of the Belt and Road.

Indonesia overseas students participated in the National Vocational College Skill Competition

For some time in the future, the Henan Provincial Education Department will continue to implement instructions from the central government and stick to the original mission of education. It will adapt to the dramatic changes unseen in a hundred years and positively service the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, prioritize the support to the classified development and transformation of colleges and universities with featured disciplines, actively integrate the international industry and education with collaborative innovation and try its best to create the featured brand of people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries. Moreover, it will focus on the promotion of the education governance system and the modernization of governance ability to vigorously promote the opening up to the outside world of education, so as to contribute to the wonderful Central Plain with internationalization in the new era and provide intelligence for promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin as well as the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.





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