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Fight Against the Epidemic --- Alumni of YRCTI are in Action

作者: 发布时间:2020/02/13 16:26:28   来源:


Since January 2020, pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus has affected the whole nation. Thousands of medical workers are fighting in the battlefield to protect the health and safety of the people. In this battle, there are a large number of alumni of the Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, who answer the call of "epidemic" and play their duty to prevent and fight against the virus. They rush into the forefront. They bear in mind the teachings of their Alma Mater and leave their family for everyone. They are writing a song of praise for students of the Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute in the new era.

Xu Shichao, an alumnus of the School of Hydraulic Engineering

Xu Shichao, a 2016 alumnus majored in Water Resources and Hydropower at the School of Hydraulic Engineering, was deeply influenced by the gratitude education of his Alma Mater. Keeping his original mission in mind, he applied to join the epidemic prevention and control work in his hometown during the special period of the outbreak. He publicized the epidemic prevention and control information in the village every day. Being on duty at the entrance of the village on time, he strictly inspected and disinfected vehicles entering the village, and urged outsiders to return home. In Xu Shichao’s opinion, what he does was trivial. When talking about the reason why he kept doing this all the time, he said quietly: “This is what a Communist Party member should do. I firmly believe that as long as we unite as one and our wills unite like a fortress, we will certainly win the white war.”

Xu Shichao (second from the right) is on guard at the village entrance

Xu Shichao (first from the right) is propagandizing along the street

Li Junkai, an alumnus of the School of Civil and Traffic Engineering

To further prevent and control COVID-19 in Luoyang City and improve the bearing capacity of medical treatment, Luoyang set up an emergency treatment center based on the model of “Xiaotangshan” Hospital in Beijing. As a Communist Party member, Li Junkai, a 2016 alumnus of the School of Civil and Traffic Engineering of YRCTI, actively responded to the call and put himself into the construction of this project. Due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks, he gave up the Spring Festival holiday on his own initiative. During the whole construction period, he lived and ate at the construction site and stuck to his job 24 hours a day. The project was put into use on February 9th. Li Junkai and his colleagues followed high standards and strict requirements, and worked hard to effectively control the spread of the epidemic and resolutely won the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Li Junkai at the construction site

Li Junkai (first from the right) at the construction site

Ye Yao, an alumnus of the School of International Education

Ye Yao, a 2018 alumnus of the School of International Education, Logistics Management (jointly run by China and Australia), works in the Nanyuan Police Station of Drum Tower Branch, Kaifeng City after graduation. After learning the epidemic situation in his jurisdiction, he volunteered to go to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control regardless of his own safety. He promoted the novel Coronavirus prevention knowledge to the public in the epidemic community every day and told the community residents to stay at home instead of going outside without reasonable reason, wear a mask both at home and being outside, spray disinfection with 75% alcohol after getting back home, and not to spread or start rumors. He told people to believe in the Party and the government, and unite as one against the virus. As one of the guardians of the people and a member of Nanyuan Police Station, he has made his own contribution to protecting people’s lives and property and maintaining social order and stability in the frontline fighting against COVID-19.

Ye Yao (first from the left) on duty with colleagues

Chai Jiaye, an alumnus of School of Information Engineering

On January 29, 2020, the construction team of Henan COVID-19 Prevention and Control TeleConsultation System was set out. Chai Jiaye, an alumnus majoring in Computer Network Technology in the School of Information Engineering of YRCTI in 2018, now an ASP enterprise network engineer of Huawei, volunteered to join the team. After five hours drive from Zhengzhou to Huangchuan, Xinyang, he started the installation and debugging at 2:00 am, and after more than 30 hours of uninterrupted work, he completed the installation and debugging of the TeleConsultation System in six counties, including Huangchuan, Guangshan, Xinxian, Huaibin, Gushi, and Shangcheng. Chai Jiaye and other Huawei engineers overcame the difficulties and fulfilled their task at the fastest speed, which bought time for epidemic prevention and control, a great contribution to COVID-19 prevention and control. Chai Jiaye and his colleagues are now quarantining themselves at home and awaiting new assignments.

Chai Jiaye (first from the left) completes the system in Guangshan County People’s Hospital

Chai Jiaye is testing the system



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