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Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute held the opening ceremony for 2018 international students

作者: 发布时间:2018/11/06 17:40:15   来源:


On the afternoon of November 5, the Opening Ceremony for International Students in 2018 was held in the studio of No.4 practical training hall. Vice President Jian Haoran attended the ceremony, together with heads of School of International Education, Liaison and Cooperation Department, head teachers of international students and 52 international students of 2018 from 5 countries. The ceremony was presided over by Chu Wanqiang, Secretary of Party Committee of School of International Education.

The opening ceremony

School leaders award the school badge for international students

Group photo of new students

On behalf of YRCTI, Kan Haoran extended a warm welcome to the arrival of this year's international students, introduced the development history and school running characteristics of YRCTI, and put forward several hopes. First of all, it is necessary for international students to earnestly learn and understand Chinese culture, deeply perceive the unique charm of Chinese civilization, and understand the brilliant thoughts of the Chinese nation, so as to know China better and compete on an international stage. Secondly, they should improve professionalism, make full use of all the high-quality resources of YRCTI, study hard and make progress. Thirdly, they should experience a wonderful life, strengthen exchanges and make more friends with local students, respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and strive to become an outstanding student of YRCTI. Fourthly, they should become a messenger of cultural exchanges, spreading the excellent culture of various countries to China, and promoting Chinese culture to the world.

Wang Aiqin, Dean of School of International Education, introduced in detail the specific arrangements and requirements for the teaching and management of international students, and required newly enrolled international students to abide by school discipline and rules, study hard, and achieve success in their studies. Subsequently, leaders participating the ceremony granted the school badge to international students.

Up until now, 54 international students who have registered for the 2018 grade came from 5 countries including Equatorial Guinea, Congo, Pakistan, Indonesia and Laos. They will study languages and majors for one to three years in YRCTI. The continuous increase in the number of international students indicates that YRCTI has made new progress in education of international students and cooperation on international education. Besides, it means that the popularity and international influence of YRCTI have been improved and YRCTI is taking more solid steps towards the goal of becoming a vocational college featured with "first-class at home and renowned in the world".



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